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Unveiling the Scam: How a Pet Groomer Defrauded Warrick County with Purebred Dog Adoptions

The Deceptive Scheme

The deceptive scheme orchestrated by Jamie Hubiak and Danielle Barnes involved the adoption and subsequent sale of 343 predominantly purebred dogs. Upon surrendering the dogs, they were swiftly sold through Hubiak’s business, indicating a systematic and efficient operation aimed at profiting from the animals. Additionally, Barnes used her position to transfer the purebred dogs to her non-profit organization and then sold them for financial gain, while Hubiak allegedly received veterinary services financed by Warrick County. This exploitation of resources underlines the premeditated nature of the scheme, illustrating a deliberate plan to defraud the county and exploit the animals for profit.

Furthermore, the evidence implicates the duo in the operation of a multi-state puppy mill, indicating a widespread and organized effort to breed and sell dogs for financial gain. The existence of a puppy mill underscores the severity of their actions and the extensive reach of their fraudulent activities, affecting not only the local community but also potentially impacting animal welfare on a larger scale. The discovery of luxury purchases made with stolen funds signifies an abuse of resources and a callous disregard for the ethical treatment of animals, shedding light on the significant impact of their actions on both the local and wider community.

Legal Ramifications and Charges

The charges brought against Jamie Hubiak, the pet groomer, are significant and far-reaching. She is facing allegations of corrupt business influence, theft, and conspiracy to commit theft. These charges stem from her involvement in assisting Danielle Barnes, the former animal control supervisor, in defrauding Warrick County of at least $102,900 in veterinary services. One specific instance of Hubiak’s involvement in the fraudulent scheme was when she adopted 343 mostly purebred dogs and promptly sold them through her business, all while surreptitiously receiving veterinary services paid for by Warrick County. This deceptive scheme not only resulted in financial losses for the county but also raised serious ethical and legal concerns.

Danielle Barnes, on the other hand, is facing a myriad of charges, including corrupt business influence, official misconduct, ghost employment, and conspiracy to commit theft. These charges are a direct consequence of her exploitation of her position of authority to transfer purebred dogs to her non-profit organization and profit from their sale. In addition to these egregious actions, Barnes also deposited adoption fees into her personal account, further deepening the gravity of her offenses. The fact that additional charges of corrupt business influence and conspiracy to commit theft were brought against Barnes on January 28th underscores the extensive nature of the fraudulent activities in which she was involved. The legal ramifications of their actions not only reflect the severity of their crimes but also serve as a cautionary tale for others who might consider engaging in similar fraudulent activities within the pet industry.

Impact on Warrick County

The impact of the deceptive scheme orchestrated by Jamie Hubiak and Danielle Barnes has had significant repercussions on Warrick County. Beyond the financial loss, which amounts to over $100,000 in stolen veterinary services, there are broader implications for the county’s animal welfare efforts. The misappropriation of public resources not only affects the county’s ability to provide necessary care for animals in its jurisdiction but also undermines the trust of the community in the local authorities responsible for animal welfare.

Furthermore, the fraudulent activities have raised concerns about the potential long-term effects on the county’s ability to sustain its animal welfare programs. The substantial financial loss incurred due to the illegal activities of Hubiak and Barnes could impede the county’s capacity to offer essential veterinary services, spaying and neutering programs, and other critical initiatives. This could ultimately lead to a negative impact on the overall well-being of animals in the county and the ability to provide them with the care they need. The case serves as a cautionary tale about the far-reaching consequences of fraudulent behavior and the importance of safeguarding public resources for the benefit of the community and its animals.

Recognizing and Preventing Pet Adoption Scams

Recognizing and preventing pet adoption scams is crucial for anyone looking to add a furry friend to their family. One important tip for avoiding scams is to thoroughly research breeders before making a commitment to adopt a pet. This involves looking into the breeder’s reputation, history, and the conditions in which the animals are kept. For instance, checking for any negative reviews or complaints online can provide valuable insights into the breeder’s ethical practices and the health of their animals. By taking the time to research, prospective pet owners can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to unscrupulous breeders or pet adoption scams.

Another vital step in avoiding pet adoption scams is to ask for references. Reputable breeders should be able to provide references from previous customers or local veterinarians who can vouch for the well-being of the animals and the breeder’s trustworthiness. Speaking directly with individuals who have adopted pets from the breeder can offer valuable firsthand experiences and give potential adopters peace of mind about the legitimacy of the breeder. By reaching out to references, individuals can gain valuable insights into the breeder’s professionalism, the health of the animals, and the overall adoption process, helping to ensure a safe and ethical adoption experience.

In addition to researching and seeking references, meeting the breeder in person is another essential step in preventing pet adoption scams. By visiting the breeder’s facilities and meeting the animals in person, prospective pet owners can assess the living conditions, the general health of the animals, and the breeder’s practices firsthand. This personal interaction allows individuals to verify that the animals are being raised in a safe and caring environment, free from neglect or mistreatment. Furthermore, meeting the breeder in person provides an opportunity to ask questions, observe the animals’ behavior, and ensure that the adoption process adheres to ethical standards, ultimately reducing the risk of falling victim to fraudulent pet adoption schemes.

Legal Recourse and Consumer Protection

In another case of fraudulent pet sales, an Inland Empire family faced legal action after being accused of selling sick and diseased puppies online. The lawsuit ended with the family being ordered to pay restitution and cease selling dogs. This case highlights the legal repercussions that individuals or businesses may face for engaging in deceptive practices within the pet industry. It also underscores the importance of consumer protection in pet adoptions, as unsuspecting buyers may fall victim to unscrupulous sellers, leading to emotional distress and financial burden.

The legal action taken against the Inland Empire family is a tangible example of how the legal system intervenes to protect consumers from fraudulent pet sales. It showcases the potential consequences for those involved in such scams, serving as a deterrent for others who might contemplate engaging in similar dishonest activities. Furthermore, the ruling in this case reinforces the significance of adhering to ethical and lawful practices in any pet-related business, emphasizing the duty of sellers to prioritize the well-being and health of the animals they are dealing with.

For individuals who encounter issues with registration papers or suspect fraud in pet adoption, real-life cases and legal outcomes offer valuable insights. Seeking legal recourse in situations where sellers refuse to provide registration papers can be challenging. However, individuals can explore legal avenues to address such concerns, including consulting with legal professionals to understand their rights and options. Additionally, being aware of past cases, such as the one involving the Inland Empire family, can help individuals recognize warning signs and take proactive measures to protect themselves and the welfare of the animals they intend to adopt.


The deceptive scheme orchestrated by Jamie Hubiak and Danielle Barnes has had a substantial impact on both the pet industry and Warrick County. By adopting 343 mostly purebred dogs and swiftly selling them through Hubiak’s business, the pair not only defrauded the county out of over $100,000 in veterinary services but also compromised the welfare of the dogs involved. This case underlines the pressing need for individuals to report any suspicious activities related to pet adoptions, as these fraudulent schemes not only harm the animals but also affect potential pet owners who may unknowingly adopt pets from deceptive sources. It is crucial for the community to remain vigilant and take proactive measures to ensure the legitimacy of pet adoptions and transactions, thereby safeguarding both animals and consumers from falling victim to such fraudulent activities.

Additionally, the case with the Inland Empire family, where they were ordered to pay restitution and cease selling dogs after a lawsuit involving the sale of sick and diseased puppies online, serves as a poignant example of the legal actions taken against such scams. This emphasizes the significance of consumer protection in pet adoptions and reinforces the importance of bringing fraudulent individuals to justice to prevent further harm to innocent animals and unsuspecting pet owners. Therefore, it is imperative for individuals to be proactive in recognizing and reporting cases of pet adoption scams to protect both themselves and the welfare of animals in the industry.

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